28 September 2019
4th SAPORG Meeting
The 4th SAPORG meeting took place on the 28th of September 2019. We would like to specially thank Dr Alex Torborg, Prof Biccard and the sponsors of the event Investec who made it all possible. Please go over to the resource section to see slides of pitched research projects you can get involved in.
26 February 2019
ASOS-2 Meeting at SASA Congress
Make a note in your diary. We will have an online ASOS-2 conference on Friday, 8th of March, at 13:00. During this online event Professor Bruce Biccard will provide an update on the trial progress and discuss the lessons we learned from the pilot trial. This will be a perfect opportunity to ask questions about the trial.
Please join the meeting with this link:
2 January 2019
SAPSOS published in the British Journal of Anaesthesia
The first paper from the SAPSOS study with the main outcomes data has been published online in the British Journal of Anaesthesia.
Principle investigator Dr Alex Torborg would like to thank all the participants for their contributions which helped make SAPSOS possible.
When the paper comes out in PUBMED all investigators will be listed in PUBMED.
The DOI is:
6 August 2018
The ASOS Surgical Risk Calculator: development and validation of a tool for identifying African surgical patients at risk of severe postoperative complications
ASOS Risk Calculator publication
3 January 2018
ASOS published in the LANCET
ASOS Lancet publication appendix
28 October 2017
Report of second annual SAPORG meeting
National Research Priorities for Perioperative Care in SA
21 April 2016
Call for nominations to SAPORG management committee now open
Please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information
24 May 2016
SAPORG management committee elected
The first SAPORG management committee was elected, and we would just like to congratulate the following 8 people who were elected for the SAPORG management committee:
- Nikki Allorto
- Bruce Biccard
- Robert Dyer
- Ross Hofmeyr
- Mike James
- Salome Maswime
- Pradeep Navsaria
- Robert Wise
The management committee agreed to have Prof. Bruce Biccard as the acting chairperson until the first meeting, where the chairperson will be elected.