

28 September 2019

4th SAPORG Meeting

We would like to invite you to attend the African Perioperative Research Group (APORG) meeting. (

Venue: Durban, South Africa

Date: Saturday 28 September 2019

Time: 07h30 to 17h30

(For more information please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


There is no registration fee. 

Unfortunately we do not have any funding for this meeting so we are unable to assist with payment of travel to South Africa or accommodation/subsistence costs in South Africa.


You can livestream the meeting using the following link:


Yours sincerely

Bruce Biccard and Alex Torborg

8 March 2019

ASOS-2 Meeting at SASA Congress

Make a note in your diary. We will have an online ASOS-2 conference on Friday, 8th of March, at 13:00. During this online event Professor Bruce Biccard will provide an update on the trial progress and discuss the lessons we learned from the pilot trial. This will be a perfect opportunity to ask questions about the trial.


Please join the meeting with this link:

29 March 2019

REDCap Africa Day 2019

There is a REDCap Africa Day planned for 29 March 2019. More info here: